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Nominations TAJIT 2022-2024 Board Of Directors - Candidate Statements
These are the nominations for the 2022-2024 TAJIT Board of Director's elections. Voting begins May 1st, 2022 and will close on May 31st., 2022 at 11:59 PM CT.
All votes will be counted, and results will be announced on June 1st, 2022.
Voting takes place electronically, and NOT during the Annual Conference. All Regular Members in good standing can vote online.
This is your opportunity to shape the future of TAJIT. Your vote and participation matters!
The TAJIT Board of Directors and the Nominations Committee are proud to announce the candidates running to fill the open positions on the Board of Directors. This year there are four vacancies and four candidates in the election.
The candidates for this year’s election are:
Ruth Carroll
It is a tremendous honor to be nominated for a position on the TAJIT board of directors. I have been a member of TAJIT for many years, and I greatly appreciate the work performed by this organization - advocating for our profession and fighting for our standards of ethics. It would be an honor and pleasure to serve in any way I can.
By way of background, I have been an independent contractor and translator since 2014. In 2018 I became a Texas Master Court Interpreter. From the beginning, I joined the Austin Area Translators and Interpreters Association (AATIA), which helped me to build the career I now have as an interpreter and translator. Association membership truly matters!
I have an MBA with a Concentration in Finance from Tecnológico de Monterrey, and a Bachelors in Business Administration and Tourism from IDEA de Oriente in Orizaba, Mexico. I started my translation and interpretation journey through classes at the ACC / Austin Community College. Once I completed my coursework, I registered in on-line classes offered by AATIA.
I am currently enrolled in the University of Arizona Professional and Continuing Education Spanish / English Translation Certificate Program. The modern world is marked by rapid change, and continuous education is essential to keep our skills sharp and knowledge current.
I moved to Austin in 2012 with my husband and two young children. I grew up in Orizaba, Mexico, and later worked in Mexico City and Playa del Carmen. While in college, I spent a year working in Florida at Disneyworld as part of their Disney College Program. Later, I worked in California, where both my children were born.
I’m grateful to be considered for this position and hope to serve you well. It would be a privilege to represent you.
Thank you for your consideration.
Jacqui Dominguez
My name is Jacqui Domínguez and I have been a TAJIT member since 2018. I started out as a child translator and once I found out I could earn a degree in the field and do it professionally I jumped at the chance.
I appreciate everything TAJIT has done for our profession and would love to be a part of that. I'm interested in joining the board to help ensure that unqualified interpreters are not used in any court proceedings. It is a disservice to LEP individuals and a misuse of Court resources to allow an qualified interpreter to attempt to be the voice of said individuals.
Steven Mines
In three decades of interpreting work, I have benefitted enormously from working alongside and being mentored by and learning from colleagues who are both veteran members as well as new colleagues. Many such colleagues were members of interpreter associations, which led me over the years to service on the board of AATIA, our Austin group, and later for a term on the NAJIT board also. TAJIT has become for many a natural "home base" for court interpreters in Texas and elsewhere too, and I am encouraged at the growing network of colleagues that continue to promote skill-building and best practices. I hope to promote and develop opportunities for shared learning and mutual support within TAJIT, so we can be of influence and example of what good practices in our profession should and can be. Even while we often work mostly alone, we interpreters benefit enormously from the collegial and supportive relationships of our professional peers. Interpreters who haven't made among their colleagues a good friend, or several friends, are rare; since even as competitors of sorts, we need each other to thrive as professionals and as a profession. We need the recommendations and confidence of our peers to succeed, and our ability to play a positive and well-remunerated role in the work of courts anywhere depends on the good behavior and ethical practices of our colleagues everywhere. If elected I would be honored to serve our association and membership.
Carol Shaw
I believe in the value of professional associations. An association gives professionals a home and a place for networking and education and advocacy. So I believe in the value of TAJIT and what it can do for and in service of the judicial translators and interpreters of Texas.
My start in the world of judicial translation came when I worked at a law firm in my hometown of Quito, Ecuador. After moving to the U.S. and working in the corporate world for 16 years, I went back to my roots, setting up my home office as a Spanish<>English translator and interpreter in late 2000. Not long after, I was among the group of professionals who gathered at a hotel in Austin, Texas and started what became the Texas Association of Judiciary Interpreters and Translators. Like I said, I believe in associations.
I also believe in service, and would be honored to serve on TAJIT’s board if chosen. Dear to my heart is communication with our membership, outreach to those who rely our services, and legislative matters. Service, however, is best rendered in the context of a team and it is in that context that I would contribute.